Climate Change Center |
APEC Climate Change Center |
Climate Action Network |
Climate Ark (Climate Change and Global Warming Portal) |
Climate Interactive |
Climate Policy Initiative |
Climate Works |
Gateway to the UN System’s Work on Climate Change |
Green Climate Fund |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
Energypedia |
Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform |
The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) |
UN intergovernmental Framework Convention on Climate Change |
Renewable Energy (RE) Explorer |
Korea Adaptation Center for Climate change |
Global Green Growth Institute |
Climate Information Portal |
Institute for Climate Change Action |
Green Growth KOREA |
Met Office |
Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea(GIR) |
Center for Global Environmental Research, Institute for Environmental Studies |
The Korean Society of Climate Change Research |
Korea Society of Energy & Climate Change |
Stop Global Warming Save Environment |
Korea Climate & Environment Network |
The Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy |
National Assembly Forum on Climate Change |
International Energy Agency (IEA) |
Korea Energy Agency |
United Nations Framework Convevtion on Climate Change(UNFCC) |
International Emissions Trading Association |
Climate Bonds Initiative |
International Finance Corporation |
Korea Exchange |